
【Php 腓8-1】Power And Joy In Working Out Your Salvation 做成得救的功夫与喜乐

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The Power and Joy In Working Out Your Salvation 


Prelude:  To a saint who has received grace and salvation, there are 2 great miracles on him. Firstly, when he experiences the Holy Spirit that is at work in him, he is being touched and strengthened with power in the inner being, to the extent of practically doing the good and joyously give glory to the Lord. Secondly, when he has done what the Lord has instructed, despite the persecution, humiliation or misunderstanding of others, he will all the more receive the affirmation from the Lord and being filled with the joy of the Spirit. Actually, these miracles show that the Almighty God is living out His glory through the flesh of man and manifesting His glorious image. This is not only a powerful, but genuine and joyful faith. Today, many believers do not recognize such way of doing good, and thus their faith living may fall into 2 scenarios. Firstly, they stumble because of doing good. Realizing one is powerless in doing the good and resulting in doing it according to own determination. On top of this, not experiencing the grace of the Holy Spirit, one will eventually fall into a self-righteousness or merited belief. The church that specifically emphasizes on such way of doing good will gradually enter into legalism, causing many believers to feel accused in their hearts, and can’t help it but become more and more hypocritical. Or secondly, some may regard doing good and suffering for Lord as teaching that is obsolete. Believers gradually forget the spirit of Christ’s death and resurrection, i.e. in the fallen world that we’re in, radiate the light in our lives and living, to the extent of rejoicing in suffering, manifesting the value of gospel and glory of the Cross. Instead, today, believers generally believe in the miracles and gifts from Jesus, the earthly successes, and use these as the basis to persuade people into believing Jesus. The teachings in the church are inclined toward the road of faith that is without the need to pay a price, such as one can receive grace without needing to battle the desire, or even regard the conviction of Holy Spirit and the need and feelings of man as complementary. Try asking why is there such deviation? The reason is because the church has neglected the complete teaching of salvation grace. Simply said, salvation grace is that man through listening to the gospel of Christ, experiences being born again. After one is born again, he experiences transformation in the soul through indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and strives to live before God as their purpose of life and living. Therefore, the indwelling of Holy Spirit gives man a new disposition, and continuously moving, convicting, leading, strengthening, disciplining, rebuking, and constructing him in his heart 24 hours and in all things. This is the work of Holy Spirit that begins when one is born again, and it sustains one through the sanctification. If a believer does not clearly know and experiences the complete mystery of his salvation, he will succumb into the wide path and easier way under the attacks of the different era, background, culture, fashion, and needs. They cannot uplift the spirit of the Cross, nor being serious in acknowledging the work of the Holy Spirit, instead, they will be driven by the current phenomenon and personal experiences. Today, through the truth of being born again and salvation, we need to know what is working out our salvation.



1. The misconceptions in working out salvation  《2:12-13》

1)The misconceptions many believers have towards salvation grace and working out salvation

① Misconception - it is only through actions or credits can one receive salvation grace. In fact, this is not the meaning of this verse, instead it is to exhort believers to apply the salvation grace they have received in their living. It is completely the work of the Holy Spirit that one can receive the salvation grace (the Holy Spirit brings salvation grace, and enables one to hear and believe in the gospel).  After that, the Holy Spirit is at work in the heart of the born again man, enabling him to will and act in order to fulfill God’s good purpose. 

 Having misunderstood that since God is at work in us, we do not need to do anything but wait for God to convict us. In fact, when the Holy Spirit is dwelling in one’s heart, He is leading and guiding him 24 hrs in all things (whether man is conscious or unconscious about it). However, as one comes to knowledge of this truth, he has the duty to seek the conviction that God is giving him in the heart, and live by His will.

③ Not knowing the working of Spirit in us and having misunderstood our feeling as the Holy Spirit’s conviction, therefore always relying our own diligence and devotion in working out our salvation. In fact, believers need to tear down their old mindset and ideas through the complete gospel, and rebuild the Christ thinking system. Only then can them be rooted and grounded in listening to the voice of the Lord in them, and receive His guidance and teachings.

④ Not in-depth in the understanding of the blessing of grace added upon grace, i.e. the grace that enables one to hunger and pursue God. In fact, grace does not only comfort us, so that we are not accused by our own weaknesses; but grace also allows us to be strengthened to carry out the perfect will of the Lord. The grace of God is like the silken fetters, attracting and touching us deeply in our spirit, causing us to thirst, seek and submit to Him.

2)If one hasn’t established a father-son relationship with God, he is unable to integrate the work of God with the responsibility of man

* One needs to be born again, in order to see God-driven work readily. <2:12> clearly says that believers already had the assurance of being born again, to live before God (have always obeyed God, much more in the absence of Paul), only then can he work out his salvation with fear and trembling (rely on Holy Spirit in sanctification). Therefore, before a believer is sanctified, he first must have a father-son/ master-servant relationship.

* Besides, in experiencing God-driven, the greatest obstruction is first focusing on our own conditions and feelings. Although our situations and feelings look very real to us, the reality we are conscious about is not the true reality. Actually, before we were born again, we were unable to sense the coming of the Holy Spirit upon us; His work in the spirit is beyond time and space. But what we can see in our limited time and space is transient, relative, and limited. For example: when our current situation appears hopeless, God will give us hope through different situations; when we feel powerless now, God has enough strength to enable us to be perked up the next moment or rejuvenated the next day; But God is most concerned about our current faith and submission. Therefore, working out salvation is not out of self-determination, but acknowledging, testing and approving the God who is convicting and leading me through all things.


1.    对做成得救的工夫上的误解 《2:12-13》


① 误以为是要靠行为或功劳才能获得救恩。事实上,这段经文并非这意思,乃是叫信徒将所领受的救恩确实地运用在生活中。因为一个人能领受救恩全是圣灵的工作(圣灵施行救恩,使他能听信福音)。之后,圣灵在重生得救之人心中运行,继续做感动、引导、教训的工作,使他成圣(越来越像主基督)。因此,一个人能做成得救的工夫也全是神在里面的动工,使他立志行事,成就主的美意。

② 误以为既然是神在我们心中运行,我们不需要做什么,唯有等神来感动我们。确实上,当圣灵内住在一个人心中,祂是24小时,凡事上带领引导他(无论他意识到或意识不到)。但是,人认识了这事实之后有义务要寻找神在他心中的感动,然后尊祂而行。

③ 不明白圣灵在心中的动工,也误认自己的感觉为圣灵的感动,因此在做成得救的工夫的事上总靠着自己的努力与虔诚。确实上,信徒要借着全备的福音拆毁自己老旧的思想观念,重新建立基督思想体系,才得以在心中有根有基得得听主的声音,受祂指教与引导。




* 另外,人在经历神为的最大阻拦,是先注重自己的情况与感受。虽然我们的情况与感受在我们来看是非常真实,但我们所意识到的现实,并非是真正的现实。确实上,圣灵的临在是我们还未重生得救时无法意识到的,祂在灵里面的运行是超出时空的。我们在有限的时间与空间能看见的,只是那短暂的、相对的、有限的。就比如说:当我们的情况现在显得毫无希望时,神能借着不同的情况带给我们希望;当我们现在一点能力都感觉不到时,神有足够的能力叫我们在一瞬间振作起来或在新的一天得冲刺;但神最关注的是我现在的信心与我现在的顺服。因此,做成得救的工夫不是一种自我出发的意志,乃是先认定与察验那透过凡事来感动与引导我的上帝。

Extracts from

【Book of Philippians 8

"The Power and Joy in Working out your Salvation"


【腓立比书 8】


For more detailed reading of the whole English sermon, please refer to: 



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