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 Are foreigners able to do the Asian squat? 






Recently, a video has gone viral online that explores one of the great questions of our times: why can’t foreigners do the “Asian squat?”

In the video, a pair of Chinese-language, French vloggers take to the streets of Montpellier, a city in southern France, to ask pedestrians if they are to perform the maneuver that’s seen everywhere where people are forced to wait around in China.

At first, people were reluctant to demonstrate their squatting skills on camera, but with a piece of chocolate on the line as a reward, they start bending their knees…



… and falling over. Out of around two dozen participants, only one guy is able to successfully perform an Asian squat (He does kung fu).

At the end of the video, the host attempts to figure out why so few foreigners are able to execute this maneuver that comes as second nature to many Chinese people, eventually coming to the conclusion that it’s likely a case of “practice makes perfect” thanks to years spent using squat toilets.

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